Pizza oven for rec tec grill
Pizza oven for rec tec grill

pizza oven for rec tec grill

What makes the TEC Infrared Pizza Oven Rack so unique is our 100% infrared heat. It’s available for the Sterling Patio FR and Patio FR grill, and adds even more versatility to the grill that does everything better. So not only can you grill pizza as you may expect, but also bake just about anything on your grill too.


Unlike our top pick, the Pro 575, the Silverton model exhausts smoke out of the back and not the top, which might cause some of that uneven heating.The Infrared Pizza Oven Rack accessory turns your TEC Grill into an infrared oven. Reviews are mixed for this model, and uneven heat distribution seems to be its biggest flaw. The WiFi-enabled Silverton 620 pellet grill offers a slightly larger cooking area, built-in side tables, and storage cabinet.For the extra cost, the Pro 34 has a second shelf (an additional 238 square inches) and two probe jacks.

pizza oven for rec tec grill

But if you want to maximize your dollar per square inch, you might want to consider the first-generation Traeger Pro 34, which typically costs $100 more than the Texas Elite. Even though it’s pretty basic, the Texas Elite 34 is affordable for its large size and cooking capacity (646 square inches) compared with other Traegers.

  • The Texas Elite pellet grills have been around for years, and they also bear the older-generation Traeger design as well as a control panel that includes a simple temperature dial, an on/off switch, and a digital readout (but no meat-probe jack).
  • pizza oven for rec tec grill

    A clean probe helps the thermostat maintain accurate temperatures. Wipe the soot (or creosote) from the thermostat probe with a damp towel.But hey, if you’ve always wanted a shop vac, it’s a great excuse to buy one, amirite? It worked fine, though I wouldn’t recommend people use such a thing for regular ash removal. We didn’t have a shop vac and used a household handheld vac. You can also vacuum out the ash, but again, do so only when the grill is 100% cold and there’s no possible chance of lingering embers.Traeger suggests using “a small metal fireplace shovel or other similar tool” (something like this shovel should work just fine) and disposing of ashes in a metal container with a tight-fitting lid. You should clean out the ash only when the grill is completely cool. Too much ash collected in the firebox can keep pellets from igniting and, in some cases, redirect the smoke backward and up through the pellet hopper. Clean out the ash that accumulates in the fire pot and the bottom of the firebox.But you don’t need to stress about a clogged grease chute if you keep your drip pan clean in the first place. Make sure the chute is unobstructed so grease can flow from the pan to the bucket-if the chute gets clogged, you run the risk of a grease fire. Inspect the grease chute between the grease-collection pan and the bucket that hangs off the side of the grill.It’s easiest to clean the grease pan while the grill is still warm (not hot), so protect your hands with gloves or towels. Then scrub it with hot soapy water and a scour sponge before rinsing and drying. But if you forget to do that part-like I did-you can remove the drip pan and scrape off most of the fat and gunk with a putty knife. The simplest solution: Line your drip pan with heavy-duty aluminum foil so you can easily discard the greasy mess after you cook. Fat accumulation can lead to grease fires, and those aren’t fun. Clean the drip pan under the cooking grates, especially after cooking fatty meats.Scrape the cooking grates with a grill brush.

    Pizza oven for rec tec grill